Sunday 22 April 2012

Wednesday 14th March - Fashion Fringe!

Even though it doesnt have a direction relation to the Unit X project, some of the words that Matthew Williamson gave on the talk on Wednesday 14th March as part of the Fashion Fringe was very inspiring and I wanted to share it with you all for a little motivation!
Williamson went freelance straight away after graduating at Central Saint Martins in London, which proves that if you have it in you to work hard enough the options are yours. His mantra is to capitalise through new and old technologies in a single minded vision, which he says comes from his 'Northern Grit' as Matthew was born and raised in Manchester. Matthew knew he wanted his own label from the start and fought through the whole difficult journey with a strong body of work, but it was the help of the support of his friends and family which stayed with him for 7 years to lauch his brand. His work at Monsoon enabled him to travel to India cheaply as he made contacts with a flight attendant and pilot. Going into an art degree without a foundation, he knew it was a case where you either sink or swim, at the start it was hard to establish himself as a designer, to focus and find his design athsetic. 
In order to get a clear perspective of the industry, do atleast 6months with a designer that you admire on an internship to develop a business acriment. At his own internship in this final year, he was only a 'studio sweaper', but managed to collect scraps of fabric which made his final collection the success it was. Willamson quotes his work is turning 'poor into rich' and by 'having a fantastic belief ni what you do, positivity and truly believing in your own creativity will make you' 

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