Sunday 22 April 2012

Unit X - Melting vinyl inspiration

In particular we like the idea of 'Melting Vinyl' especially as we need a 'prototype' next week. Its a really cheap medium which is readily available which moulds really quickly with heat to whatever we wish to finally make! Here is also a picture of a "soundwave" and painted vinyls for a little taster of what we could work with?

Street Objects:
As we want to encourporate the public and our work, we thought that creating a small area of street objects. These include a street lamp, benches, tables, bins etc that we could host outside eastern bloc for thier cafe area and move it around Stevenson square. It will a great way to make a sculpture whilst it being useful for the public to interact with. These will all be created/coated in vinyl and fully functioning. This idea has also been approved by one of the tutors so we are confident to work with it. 

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