Monday 23 April 2012

Unit X - Monday 23rd April - Experimenting with our materials!

Today in tutorial we discussed the idea of music in a changing state. How music itself transforms from a non-physical to physical to non-physical again. This idea could be discussed in our installation instead of it being so static and objective. I feel we need to explore more ideas and create a huge mind map of our ideas tomorrow. Our installation worked really well

Without having a concept, the installation was a bit pointless apart from the ideas and inspiration behind it, it seemed pretty static and less interactive with the public. The evolution of QR codes in the media and promotions, inspired us to collaborate with up and coming artists in Manchester and the old classics the make Manchester famous for its music to create a barcode 'timeline'. This will include the oldest songs merging to the new and indie music scene in Manchester, benefitting musicians in the area too. Tomorrow we shall mind map some more ideas, but we're really on a role here!

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