Tuesday 25 October 2011

23/10/11 Design Week 2


I found the contextualising practise leacture on drawing very relateable today! (see seperate posts)


Pattern cutting today seemed more complicated than usual! We had to use our tissue paper patterns and construct them onto calico. I ended up redrawing mine out so it was more simple to achieve and construct. Due to the sewing room shutting at 4:30pm I shall do this after my sewing workshop on thursday. Robin showed us how to add a button panel, collar edge and collar to our patterns which I took to fully and really enjoyed the results! It will be interesting to see all this unfold as I put the examples in my file for future use!


A lecture on Knit today really took me by surprise. I have always dabbled in knit and left it. I have never been persistant, patient or forgiving of the time good knitwear takes to create. This lecture taught me how limitless kintwear can become is you give it all those qualities! After the lecture I found myself renting a book from the library on the basics of knitting. Before I have created a scarf (very basic) and attempted a hat, knitted animal and cup warmer - none of which I have finished! I need to grab my needles again and really get on the knitting bandwagon as this is definately something that inspires me greatly!


In the sewing workshop today, we learnt how to set in a sleeve and create a cuff stand! it was a bit tricky and I will probably need to practise more before doing it on a finishing garment, but I was still proud of my first attempt. After this I finished my tissue paper pattern shirt front and back, putting the oddly shaped darts in was hard at first but I managed to do it in the end.


Today in tutorial my work was managed to be put together as my tutor found it to be a little bit 'bitty'. I have done quite a few design sheets in detail and these need to be traslated into more of a colection basis. My aims for next week are : use contrast in colour; create a template to suit my work; 6-8 complete 'looks/range; alter designs to get best possible idea; use the otoshiana technique through designing; bod big shapes; finish with a ange plan.

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