Tuesday 25 October 2011

03/10/11 Research Week 2


Again we had our contextualising practise lecture, which always start me off on a very thought prevoking mood for the week ahead (see contextualising practise week 2 post)


Pattern cutting today advanced a little bit further, which meant it got a little bit more complicated! We took in some tissue paper and had to create a fitted shape on the tailors dummy by using tucks, pleats and darts to get the best fit. It was really hard to do as the tissue paper kept tearing or creasing so a fitting sillouette was a struggle. We then transferred then out flat onto pattern paper, with a seam allowance to create at a later date.

Then we had to get a solid shapely object and construct a pattern to make it. By using masking tape, we covered the vertical and horizontal sides of it and drew a pattern on to add a seam allowance to on pattern paper.


Alison Welch gave us a lecture today on how to research. By showing us sketchbooks and idea from previosu students and successful designers it gave me great ideas and inspiration for my own work, whilst feed my creativity by giving it no boundaries.


This was my first practical sewing workshop today. We learnt how to make differant seams such as: the plain seam; bound seam; top-stitched seam; piped or corded seam; french seam; and run and fell seams. It was great to finally use an industrial machine and learn how easy they are to use!


Tutorial today made me realise that my work was a bit all over the place. I find it really hard to get one focused sense of direction and run with it as I usually never think its a good enough idea in my research stage! hopefully I can pull through an idea from all this random creativity!

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