Tuesday 25 October 2011

17/10/11 Design Week 1


Contextualising practise lecture and seminar (see seperate posts for thoughts)


Today in pattern cutting we developed ideas using a medium weight calico. I enjoyed this more than using the shirts as it gave me more freedom to create more avant garde shapes and sillouettes. I also experimented with tucks and pleats to create a swirling movement along the fabric, the photos below show my developing work. We also had a go at drawing a shirt in two differant ways, a simplified way that would go towards a manufacturing company and a trace down version of the shirt in life-size on pattern paper. At first I found it hard not to draw the shirt in a illustrative way so had to simplify my design a lot, but i learnt how in industry it is essential too otherwise the manufactuer will not understand the design as a whole.


We had a breif lecture today on how our journal should be made digital and personal (a lot like this then) by updating my thoughts and processes every week I am helping myself through the breif and course aswell and updating my lecturers and tutors with how I feel with certian aspects of the course


The sewing workshop for today was on pockets! We learnt how to do a front trouser pocket (a lot less complicated than it looked); a back jean pocket and a closed pocket. (see file for the samples and more info)


Tutorial today left me a on a bit of a downer. I showed my work up until now and it didnt seems to translate as well as it does in my own head. Although I was initally upset that my work wasnt translating very easily I took the criticism constructively and made more boards and edited my old ones to create a much simpler idea. Louise also gave me ideas on how to design well using ideas I have come up with already which made my work clearer and more directional.

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