Tuesday 1 November 2011

31/10/11 - Realisation Week 1


Today was a lecture on time for contexualising practise, I thought it was good to evaluate time in terms of desig and quality control. Also how time binds us together as a world in habits and things we arange together.


In pattern cutting today we learnt how to create a yolk on a garment (getting rid of the dart with keeping the volume, regularly found on jeans etc), how to add volume to a pattern and experimenting with sleeves. I really enojyed it this week as I was able to visualise and half create a lot of the outcomes we did with flat pattern cutting. Plus we got to sew together the shirt blocks which I love doing!


The lecture on print was this morning. I am really interested in making print a big part fo some of my future designs. Its not cheap to digitally print fabric, but can look amazing! One of my favourite designers Mary Katrantzou used prints so beautifully I can definately see a inspirational project coming soon! Im eager to create designs using print to express and exaggerate colour shape and volume! So excited for this! I love colour and print lets you use it wholeheartedly :D


I had my last ever sewing induction today! To be honest i really have enjoyed being taught step by step sewing/construction techniques as I never really have before, Ive jsut got on with it as its one of those things people never tend to teach in GCSE or A level. After this I wanted to try my hand at designing a short suit for myself. I found the jacket very straightforward, yet the shorts a little bit harder! I think I need to make a pattern from ones I have at home to get them the perfect fit for me.


I think this was the first ever tutorial that my work really spoke for itself. I was confident about it, knew my market, targets, design ethic and pathway etc and I think it showed in the way I presented it to Louise today as she finally got what I meant all this time! She helped me realise that next week I need to start making my first toile in lightweight calico, then creat the final in see through organdie. Cant wait to get paint sampling for my colours either. Gonna try and making it very christopher kane! Definately a 'realisation' week for me!

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