Tuesday 25 October 2011

26/09/11 Research Week 1


I had my introduction to using the mac suite first this morning before I got on with anything. It was good to know that the uni had a great set of resources that didnt require us buying our own. I loved how using the scanners and photoshop and can make your work even better and hope to use the skills Ive learned today in my design process. I also had my first contextualising practise leacture which really gave me an alternate view on thinking like a 'designer'.


I have been desperate to visit the manchester city art gallery due to thier recent exhibition with 'Grayson Perry' as I have always admired his work from the BBC Culture Show. Here is a few of my favourite pieces from the collection including Perry's pot and Alice Kettle. This was my first ever pattern cutting practical session today aswell! Firstly we were given a basic shirt block, we had to draw on the notches, darts and grainlines ourselves and create a pattern paper copy. Then we went to create shapes and garment ideas on a tailors dummy usings two shirts. We found the two shirts restricted us a little, so when paired up to create a very large creation.Wednesday:

Today I went and visited 'Yorkshire Sculpture Park' its was beautiful day which really helped me to see the scultpures in thier best and truest form (see next post)


This was my first sewing workshop today. We learnt what all the machines in the workshop were used for. How to use the standard industrial machines and overlockers. There are some basic pattern blocks hanging up which look fantastic to have a creative idea with! The button machines have to be operated by one of the technitians, but the irons and heat press where fantastic for pressing and using interfacing quickly! Im looking forward to using this studio workspace!


My first tutorial session with Louise was today. It was good to show the early direction I had taken to the breif to her and for her to give me feedback and direction for my next week of research. I left feeling like I had a lot more to do but with more of a direction and understanding. A good wrap up to the weeks work so far!

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