Sunday 13 May 2012

My 3rd year's collection...

Ive been committing a few hours of my time every week to my third year to help her make her final collection with a little less stress. Here is photos I took from today's early morning photo shoot, photographing ideas for outfit combinations for the final show! I was mesmerised by all her hard work and what a fabulous job she had done of it all, plus the model really suited the clothes and made it very easy to work with her. My favourite piece is by far the wool/felted jacket, it is so heavy in person and to try on, but I helped her through the process and saw every hours it took and the outcome was very worthy of it. The small bib necklaces (especially the b&w one) as special too as I made most of the white and black one myself and learnt a new knit technique! Chloe, was hoping to get into RCA London to do a masters degree and made it into the 6 people! I was very proud of her and working with her has provided me with true inspiration, not only with my new project, how I shall work as a student and my drive to be in a similar place myself in third year, wonderful!

Making week!

This coming week is making week for 'Toast' on Unit X. We have secured Eastern Bloc now after a few technical hitches but need to go to B&Q to buy wood for a frame so it doesn't sit directly onto the wall. This week is going to be a week of hard graft as week melt our 100+ records onto the frame and fit it to the shop! QR codes need to be finalised and a 'launch date' set up, its all finally coming together, just one last push of team work and we're sorted!

Head-start on the QR codes

I have been getting a few QR links sorted this morning! It would be great to have around 50+ varieties of different links (videos, websites, ticket offices, bars, clubs, music etc..) Make sure before you make a QR code that the link is relevant and interactive (someone can find interest and take something from it) otherwise it will be a bit trashy.  
Here is a list of everthing we have already uploaded to our tumblr sites! Its all taking shape...

Proposed Idea

So, after our tutorial with fabrizio today, we have decided to persue the idea of using this small derilict underground toilet box. Its bold colours and sturdy frame makes the perfect hubb for our idea. Here is a quick photoshopped image of our proposed idea that has just been sent to Fabrizio for confirmation, fingers crossed we have somewhere to install this idea!

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Meeting with Eastern Bloc and Moving Day

On Monday 30th April, we had a scheduled meeting with Eastern Bloc to discuss our plans further. This was following the e-mail they had sent with an unclear idea of what the after-effects of our installation would be. We met at 1pm in Eastern Bloc, showed the designs we had created for a sample at Hotspur and asked what they could do to help us. Suggesting the ideas of high tack tape, silicone or 'no-nails' paste, the manger was still keen for us to create a clearer layout to show to the owner for 'official' clearing. They were a bit concerned about us damaging the walls and obstructing their opening hours (as we are to use the doorways. After the meeting in tutorials back at Hotpsur, we came to the conclusion that tomorrow, after the move, we may need to consider second options as the boundaries for getting Eastern Bloc on side means that we need to compromise quite highly. 

On Tuesday morning, bright and early was the move to our new location in the northern quarter '20/22'. we loaded up our wheelbarrow with all our 100+ vinyls, heat gun and various other equipment and set for the long voyage to the northern quarter with the entire group! It was quite an odd thing to do on a Tuesday morning, but as our wheelbarrow was clearly one of the heaviest it created a great 'team-building' exercise for our group which lead to a good discussion over lunch and walk round for options before our afternoon tutorial! We found a lovely blue box, which looked like a passageway to an underground toilet, situated on TIB street, quite a busy area it was perfect! After tutorials I used my images to create a photoshop 'replica' of the idea to e-mail to Fabrizio, so with any luck this is our new destination!

Proposed Idea for the Northern Quarter...

So, after our tutorial with fabrizio today, we have decided to persue the idea of using this small derilict underground toilet box. Its bold colours and sturdy frame makes the perfect hubb for our idea. Here is a quick photoshopped image of our proposed idea that has just been sent to Fabrizio for confirmation, fingers crossed we have somewhere to install this idea!